Hormone Imbalances That Can Have A Detrimental Effect On Your Vision

Abnormal hormone production sometimes can be the underlying cause of vision problems. Hormones regulate the way your body functions, and your eyes are no exception. Although the relationship between certain hormones and their effects on vision isn't always completely clear, it's important to understand more about how these hormones can have a major impact on your eyes and vision. Thyroxine If you suffer from hyperthyroidism, or overactive thyroid – of which Graves' disease is the most common cause – increased production of the hormone thyroxine can lead to: [Read More]

Two Natural Remedies For Seasonal Allergy Relief

Not everyone enjoys watching the seasons change. For some people, changing seasons means battling seasonal allergies. Dealing with seasonal allergies can be aggravating. It causes many people to experience watery, itchy eyes, sneezing, and congestion. Fortunately, an allergist can help you manage seasonal allergy symptoms. However, even if you see an allergist on a regular basis you might still experience a few allergy symptoms. So, you should consider adding some of these home remedies to your treatment plan. [Read More]

Baby's First Cold: How To Treat At Home

If you have a new baby, chances are that he or she will get a cold at some point. As a new parent, you're understandably nervous about this milestone; no one wants to see their baby sick and suffering. The good news is that once you have fielded the first cold, you'll feel more equipped to handle subsequent mild illnesses. Here's what you should do to make your little one more comfortable, as well as information on symptoms that require a call to the doctor or health clinic. [Read More]

Pooping Refusal: What To Do About This Potty Training Issue

Most parents look forward to the day that they get to potty train their children because it means no more dirty diapers – well, at least when they get their children potty trained. Usually, getting the child to pee isn't the problem. Getting the child to poop is when the issues really set in and your child decides to stop sprinting around the track. For some children, it is fear and anxiety. [Read More]