What You Need To Know About Ozone Therapy For Back Pain

Ozone therapy is a procedure that is used to treat chronic back pain. This is a newer form of treatment that involves placing injections into the spine to help it heal. If you have considered ozone therapy for your back pain, you should know the following: What Does Ozone Therapy Consist Of? Ozone treatment uses a less stable form of oxygen to treat a medical condition. This treatment has been studied to treat several different conditions, including back pain. [Read More]

How You Can Manage Arthritis At Home

If you have been diagnosed with arthritis or believe you may have the condition, one of your first thoughts might be how to keep your symptoms at bay. While you need to see a doctor for your pain, there are some things you can do when your symptoms flare up. These are some of the preventative steps you can take to manage your arthritis at home. Talk to Your Doctor About Arthritis  [Read More]

Start A Routine: 4 Benefits To Preventative Care For Your Kids

If you have children, they should be receiving appropriate preventative care. If you're like many parents, you might think that your children only need medical care when they're not feeling well. However, that's not the case. If you're not sure why your children need preventative care, read the information provided below. You'll find four important reasons to get your children started a routine of good preventative care.  Monitors Childhood Development [Read More]

How Can Anorexia Medical Treatment Help Patients?

Anorexia is a type of eating disorder in which people severely restrict their caloric intake. Often, the goal of this restriction is weight loss but not always. Unfortunately, there are many hurtful misconceptions about eating disorders in popular culture. In reality, eating disorders are mental health issues that deserve to be treated with compassionate care. Patients who struggle with anorexia can find help at inpatient clinics as well as outpatient therapy practices. [Read More]